Saturday, December 14, 2013

Exit 35 ( True Love )

.. sampai tumpah-tumpah.
Kerana aku cinta.
Aku tahu kau juga cinta.
Kau dan aku,
ialah belahan jiwa yang sama.
.. sampai tumpah-tumpah.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Exit 34 (Between You and Me, There Lies Our Breath, Love)

Aku jatuh. Tanpa aku sengajakan.
Aku jatuh ke dalam cinta.
Seperti aku, kamu juga jatuh.
Ke dalam cinta.
Cinta itu tidak dapat dipastikan dalamnya.
Namun yang pasti, ia sungguh dalam.
Karena Cinta letaknya di Hati.
Hati kamu dan aku.

Dan kita sama merasakan sakitnya jatuh.
Hanya Allah yang tahu bagaimana rasa itu.
Karena ilmuNya pasti meliputi segala sesuatu.

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Exit 33 (Until We Reach The Underworld of You and Me)

You knew, aite?
That I miss ya?
You knew.
So, where are you?
When all I have to do is go deeper and deeper,
into you.
And all you have to do is go deeper and deeper,
into me.
So that we swim.
That we swim, into each other, lovingly.
Until We Reach The Underworld of You and Me,
Tell me you knew.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Exit 32 ( Our Love, Smells Eternal)

..... Even if it's dead,
It is still alive.
Because of the curse
of this magical Love, and so,
that is trapped in time.

Monday, August 26, 2013

Exit 31 (The Highest Notation)

Kau rasa atau tidak ya?
Di dalam sini,
Ada getar rindu yang begitu usang.
Mungkin kau juga mendengarnya,
kerana aku yang memetiknya.
Dan petikan bunyi rindu aku yang masih usang ini,
ibarat lagu yang memang tidak pasti matinya.

Aku mungkin juga sedang merinduimu.

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Exit 30 ( We Are Our Sweetest Vampire )

Fate works in mysterious ways.
I longed for you in mysterious ways.
You longed for me in mysterious ways.
We then Love each other in the most mysterious way.!

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Exit 29 ( We Found The Exits, We Found Us)

Let me longed for you
I'll let you longed for me.
Let me miss you
I'll let you miss me.
Let me love you
I'll let you love me.
Let me take you heart
I'll let you take my heart.
Lets be together,
From now till forever..

*Please, do feel my longing..

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Exit 28 (Ini Lagu, Rindu Cintaku Padamu. Ini lagu, Lagu Kasih Kau dan Aku)

Jarak yang memisahkan
Engkau dan aku
Terlukis sebuah rasa
Berbingkai rindu

Gelisah karnamu
Ingin di dekatmu
Suka dan duka bersamamu

Rindu rindu semakin rindu
Cinta cinta semakin cinta
Aku di sini, kau di sana

Berharap esok hari
Kita bersatu
Menembus dinding waktu
Menghalang rasaku

*aku harap benar, kau mendengarkan rindu aku padamu,
dan sebut-sebut namaku dalam doa-doamu.
karna aku harap benar, aku mendengarkan rindumu padaku,
dan akan aku sebut-sebut namamu dalam doa-doaku..

Friday, June 14, 2013

Exit 27 ( We are, Marijuana Barbiturates “Special K” Heroin Morphine and Cocaine to each other )

I have been trying to occupy my mind with so much bigger things,
but still, You are the largest of all.

and you...
You have been doing so many tiring things,
but still, I am the most tiring after all.

oh, oh,

We entered Our Love when,
we actually know there would Never be an exit.
This longing has trapped us, you and me.

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Exit 26 ( Invincible Love. The You and Me )

Your heart and my heart,
Our heart... is genetically a sea cucumber.
Whenever it is cut, it affixes again, forever.
Whenever it is separated,
it knows how to assemble, together.

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Exit 25 (We longed for each other like the books longed for the reader)

We were given a memory to memorize things.
I have a memory and I remember to love you.
You too have a memory and you remember to love me.
And we have each other to remind each other,
to not forget each other, always..

*How we've missed you and me, so much.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Exit 24 ( I know You're rich. So do I )

Men always want to be a woman's first love
Women like to be a man's last romance.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Exit 23 ( Bloomers )

We found each other.
Now lets hold on tight, together.
For we are falling into us, deeper.
To The Endless Land of Love,
we shelter.

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Exit 22 ( Peripherique )

I really want to be one of the most important someone in your mind,
and never ever fade away.

I really want you to be there when I am smiling,
so you would capture the event,
and vividly put it in your memory for the rest of your life.

I really want you to know,
that I really want you to tell me to be there,
on our very important days,
jovially together in happiness.

and I really want to never stop being happy,
with only us, for the rest of our lives.

I never missed the train, but I always, really missed you.
Help me, to get back to really-ty,

duhai Rindu.

Sunday, March 31, 2013

Exit 21 ( I am an epic sphere, in you )

I feel like a winner.
In fact, I am winning.
I even inhale victories.
At last, it feels much better.
No, it feels best to be unbeatable!
Whilst you........ turning into crumbs I bet.

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Exit 20 ( Force Field )

We were just few feet apart,
when I saw the flicking in your eyes..
wishing that I'd walk to you and get you.

We were just few feet apart,
when I heard your silence and heartbeat thumps..
telling that you were dying to chat again, with me.

We were just few feet apart,
when it was the pretentious moments..
signing that, we do not know about the future.

We were just few feet apart,
when I guessed I heard your name
ringing all over my head.

We were just few feet apart
when we could actually change..
everything into happiness and madness, together again.

We were just few feet apart
when we realized our hearts were chained..
by Him.

- tiada dayaku, tanpa kekuasaanMu -

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Exit 19 ( Identical )

I can see the way you look at him.
It's the same way I see him look at me.


I can see the way you look at her.
It's the same way I see her look at me.


This is it.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Exit 18 ( Tesseract )

I lay down wearily,
because I am tired.
I am really really tired.
..for keeping you in my heart stealthily put you in my mind
..for rolling you again and again in my imagination.
I plead, for you to be here,
in my reality as long as we live.

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Exit 17 ( unbreakable longing )

I do not know the depth of your heart
but it seems I have fallen into it.
I do not know the depth of my heart
but it seems you too have fallen into it.
If you ask me how's the typical day going?
I'd answer sincerely
That I constantly hear you screaming your name,
I am deafened by your voice in there,
then I realize,
I don't want you to be trapped forever
I want you, especially the you
out here beside me.

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Exit 16 ( Sleep. To wake up and have a new heart!)

I break hearts
The most favourite persons' hearts
I never break mine
Because I never have one.
and I figure out, they are pretty fragile.
If I say sorry, then 'sorry' seems to be not the hardest word, right?
What do I do now?

Okay, I am sorry.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Exit 15 ( we tried to teach others, but we forgot to teach ourselves )

Kau lupa.
Kau lupa apa pernah kau kata padaku.
Kau pernah berkata bahawa,
 "sekiranya kita fikir kita hebat, maka sebenarnya ada insan yang lebih hebat daripada kita."
Namun kau lupa nasihatmu padaku.
Dan kau juga lupa,
aku bukan barang belanjamu.
Aku terlalu kasihankanmu.

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Exit 14 ( we are not alone but we feel lonely, aren't we? )

When I know that, everybody
Everybody has had a heart....
I just wanted to know about them,
What about them
behind all those expressionless mask,

Especially yours!

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Exit 14 ( same goes to you)

I need to be asleep,
before another drop of tear roll down on my cheek.

And I need to be wide awake,
before another you come down haunting in my dreams.

Another sleepless night.

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Exit 13 ( the clock tick tocking )

After you encountered so much pain and suffering of hatred, anger, ignorance, jealousy of people of you, it's suffocating,
do you really know what is free?
It's to freely love anyone,
without disliking anyone.

Yet, it has to be really free..

Friday, February 1, 2013

Exit 13 ( the way I hold on tight )

Masa adalah selamanya.
Mana mungkin ia ada ujungnya.
Dan memori aku adalah seperti masa,
terhadap kamu.

Kamu mungkin udah pertikai,
bahwa aku bisa membiarkanmu berlalu.
Ibaratnya lebah yang hinggap untuk debunga, sementara cuma.
Namun itu hanyalah andaianmu....tentang masa aku.

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Exit 12 ( we are longing. we )

Hiatus is better than hums,
is better when we see them with much wisdom.
That's what we call, love
to the favourite people around the heart.

Monday, January 14, 2013

Exit 11 (the agony that only we felt it)

Kamu mahu tahu,
mengapa sering saja aku menangis lewat malam sendirian?

Kamu mahu tahu,
mengapa sering aku tertawa dan hilai tiap di depanmu?

Kamu mahu tahu,
mengapa sering aku tersenyum tampak baris gigiku di dekatmu?

Karena aku dan kamu lahir dari kebahgiaan,
Tidak mungkin aku tonjol memperlihat resahku
terus hilang kebahgiaanmu.
Tidak mungkin......

Friday, January 11, 2013

Exit 10 ( it was the uncommon that tied us)

You were the first person I saw in my mind
before everything turned to be a memory,
and you were the last person I saw in my mind
before everything turned to be eternity.

While I,
I was the first person that somebody saw in their mind
before everything turned to be a memory,
and I was the last person that somebody saw in their mind
before everything turned to be eternity.

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Exit 9 ( you didn't know, i didn't know, but we both knew)

Jika kau benar cinta,
kau akan lebih ikhlas daripada ikhlas
dan lebih redha daripada redha.

Jika aku benar cinta,
aku akan lebih ikhlas daripada ikhlas
dan lebih redha daripada redha.

Jika kita benar cinta,
kita akan lebih ikhlas daripada ikhlas
dan lebih redha daripada redha.

Jika benar kau, aku, dan kita faham,
bahawa cinta bukan milik bertiga
tapi milik-Nya.