Monday, December 31, 2012

Exit 8 (the spark that turned into so many likes)

hampir orang yang saling menyayangi itu,
tidak langsung perlu berkata apa.
kerana pandangan dan perbuatan saja
sudah cukup buat bicara.

aku tidak memandang rendahmu
kerana aku tidak memandang rendahku.

Monday, December 24, 2012

Exit 7 (we learn in The School of Symphony)

Saat aku cemburu dgn kelebihan orang lain
yang tidak diberikan padaku,

aku terus melihat kekurangan orang lain
yang tidak diberikan padaku,

lalu aku tertunduk yang amat malu
dalam sendu pada Tuhanku.

Monday, December 17, 2012

Exit 6 ( dan aku maafkan kamu)

Sekeping hati yang koyak
Sehelai hati yang carik
Seutas hati yang putus
Sebatang hati yang patah
Sebuah hati tenggelam
Sebilah hati yang tumpul
Sebidang hati yang banjir
Sebentuk hati yang kemek
Secucuk hati yang tajam
Sebuku hati berkulat
Sebiji hati yang kecil
Sebutir hati yang halus
Secubit hati yang tawar
Seekor hati yang lemah
Serumpun hati tercabut
Segugus hati yang berat
Sekepal hati yang peroi
Senaskhah hati yang pudar
Selonggok hati terbakar
Sepotong hati yang hilang
Setangkai hati yang longgar
Sebelah hati yang kamu
Separuh lagi yang aku
Sebenarnya penuh rindu.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Exit 5 (the My Way)

Pengorbanan yang paling besar ialah,
pengorbanan yang sepi.
Tidak dicanang pengorbanan itu.


Sunday, December 9, 2012

Exit 4 (faith of fate)

Berikan aku ruang
untuk aku berkelana seketika.
Berikan aku ruang
hanya untuk seketika,
mendalami Tuhan,
Demi secebis rahmat-Nya.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Exit 3 ( we claimed to be each others' saviour)


       RINDU itu SAKIT

       SAYANG itu TULUS
       CINTA itu DASYAT
       SABAR itu INDAH
       ALLAH itu HEBAT.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Exit 2 : ( you knew that, stupid !)

- I looked up to the face and found myself in the eyes -

zero two zero : three two, three three, three four.

Friday, November 23, 2012

Exit 1 ( to always learn )

Everybody needs happiness,
it started with a cry.

Friday, November 16, 2012

hard cover (The Path Less Traveled By)

There comes a time when you have to choose between
Turning the Page
Closing the Book...

Thursday, November 8, 2012

the last page T__T

Hati ini sedang rindu.
Mungkin juga hati itu.

Tuhan sedang mengajarku,
tentang sabar
tentang ikhlas
tentang redha.

Namun hati ini masih rindu.

Friday, October 19, 2012

the 127th page (Life is A Game?)

I chose to play.
I'll make my way.
Menaces, stay away!

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

the 126th page ( :) )

Lalu pada ketika semuanya terlihat indah,
pada ketika itulah ia menjadi impian
dan pada kata impian itulah kita akan sampai pada permainan ini - Impian VS Realiti.
Yang kita semua mampu jangka,
jenis realiti apa yang sudah menunggu kita di hadapan sana.
Realiti yang tidak pernah mesra dengan impian.
Yang pasti Impian itu perlukan bantuan,
dan bantuan yang manusia ada hanyalah Tuhan. 
Impian (Tuhan) VS Realiti, insya Allah kita mampu. Amin.



Cemerlangkan hati pada rasa redha atas segala KetentuanNya ;)

Monday, October 8, 2012

the 125th page ( the day i..

..i know that you missed me.)

It’s normal to miss someone when you’re alone and lonely.
But missing someone when you’re busy having fun,
that’s true affection.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

the 124th page (I think of You...)

...during the most random times.

Ø¥ِÙŠَّاكَ Ù†َعۡبُدُ ÙˆَØ¥ِÙŠَّاكَ Ù†َسۡتَعِينُ


Monday, September 10, 2012

Monday, September 3, 2012

the 122nd page (He knows best)

Dear Allah,

I need Your helps.
I need Your miracles.
I need every aspect of benevolence,
So that my heart will live
in peace and tranquility.


i'm far too scared :'(

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

the 121st page (the every time we fell in love to each other is...)

like every aspect of our atoms

'Why do people shout in anger shout at each other?'

'But, why should you shout when the other person is just next to you? You can as well tell him what you have to say in a soft manner.'asked the saint


'When two people are angry at each other, their hearts distance a lot. To cover that distance they must shout to be able to hear each other. The angrier they are, the stronger they will have to shout to hear each other to cover that great distance.

What happens when two people fall in love?
They don't shout at each other but talk softly, 
Because their hearts are very close.
The distance between them is either nonexistent or very small.'

'When they love each other even more, what happens?
They do not speak, only whisper'n they get even closer to each other in their love.Finally they even need not whisper, they only look at each other'n that's all. That is how close two people are when they love each other.'


Thursday, August 16, 2012

the 119th page (goodbye seem to be the hardest word)

May this is a blessed Ramadhan.
after all,
after adversities we've been through.

May everything is blessed.

Sunday, August 5, 2012

the 118th page

Tarbiyah Ramadhan.
Aku ingin lakukan segala-galanya...
kerana Nya
kerana biar segala-galanya
hanya layak untuk Nya.


Wednesday, July 25, 2012

the 117th page (Kau tahu....)

Aku ingin roh Ramadhan !
Aku ingin roh Ramadhan !
Aku ingin roh Ramadhan !

Ingin sekali.

sekali lagi, kali ini Ya Rabb!

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

the 116th page ( I need...)

OK, now which way?

Dear Allah, I need help.
Your exact help.

Make me sing,
Because of You.


Friday, June 15, 2012

the 115th page ( We know that )

I know what is completion.
That is to serve Allah,

It makes you sing.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

the 114th page ( aku ingin kau... )

".... gembirakan hatiku dengan apa jua caraMu Ya Tuhanku."

Biar kita bahagia.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

the 113th page ( there is Him between...)

you and me.


...kerana aku ingin bersamamu dari sini ke syurga sana."

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Sunday, April 15, 2012

the 111th page ( soalnya hati...)

"Kerana ada waktunya nanti, Allah akan datangkan petunjuknya,
sama ada kita perlu mencari ataupun kita perlu menunggu.”


dan akhirnya, seperti doa dalam diam dijawab Tuhan...

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

the 109th page (ini....)

Aku ingin redha.
Sering redha.
Namun redha tidak mudah.
Ia perlu mujahadah.
Aku ingin kau tahu,
aku dan kamu
kita harus bermahabbah
kerana Allah


Friday, April 6, 2012

the 108 (this is where we think...)

Marriage is like the weather,

forever changing. Sometimes it is cloudy and rainy,

life appears gloomy,

then the sun appears and rays of happiness break through bringing joy.

At times, one experiences rain, wind and sunshine all in one day.

Such is life, and like the seasons, we go through different experiences.

The secret is to put Allah first in life
and to remain devoted and steadfast
to one’s Deen and spouse

Thursday, March 29, 2012

the 107th page (i am...)

Being beautiful is more than how many boys you can get to look at you,
or how much makeup you can wear.
It’s about what you live for.
It’s about what defines you.
It’s about the HEART that you have,
and WHAT makes you special.
It’s about those little quirks that make you, you.
It’s about going against the flow,
and living out what you honestly think.

And that is a beautiful thing.


Wednesday, March 21, 2012

the 106th page ( you and i know that...)

Allah knows better!
Allah knows better.

ku persembahkan redhaku.

May Allah bless. us.

Monday, March 19, 2012

the 105th page (adanya kita)

Kadang kala, hati ini goyah... begitu juga hati itu.
Lantas berpeganglah hati ini dan hati itu
pada Siapa yang menciptakan hati.
Biar kejap pegangannya,
Biar redha sedalamnya,

kau tercipta untukku.


May Allah bless *

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Monday, March 12, 2012

the 103rd page

Haha! This one just made my morning :)

What about you guys? What makes up your morning?
A cup of coffee?

Saturday, March 10, 2012

the 102nd page (esok dan selamanya...)

Aku juga ingin bahagia
dan tertawa bersama-sama.

Dalam segala keihklasan.

yang Allah redha.

Doakan :)

Monday, March 5, 2012

the 101st page (apabila merasa..)

Hati tenang bermakna,
kau dalam redhaNya.


Saturday, February 25, 2012

the 100th page (please....)

Allah, You wrote everything for me.
You created the heart.
Then make the heart be happy of everything that is written, Allah.
You decide.

Bless me, Allah.


Friday, February 24, 2012

the 99th page (what is written)

If you like a whole bunch of things
and I like a whole bunch of things,
maybe one of the things that we both like
can be each other.

May Allah bless *

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

the 97th page (a wishlist)

I just wanted to


No matter how

long will it be,

No matter how

deep will I dive,

No matter how

slow will we go..

I just wanted to,

sail the world
please the heart.

May Allah bless *

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

the 96th page

I only have one name,
and it's


May Allah bless *

Saturday, January 14, 2012

the 95th page

the only thing I know is that you too can feel it.

I do not know how
I do not know how to give myself chances
even to give you chances,
yes you;
I do not know.
It's a reason -
you are being followed.
I'm sorry
because I do not know
the way to stop caring.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

the 94th page ( a tag )

- this post has been removed by the author -

Monday, January 9, 2012

the 93rd page ( quit )

how do I put it back if I couldn't let go?

You can try being broken and you can try forgetting.
All I know is I am no longer broken about the things I have forgotten.

May Allah bless *

Friday, January 6, 2012

the 92nd page

bagiku, itu sudah cukup indah

... biarlah. biar suka hati aku lah!
aku mahu letakkan segala urusan dunia dasarnya Islam

... biarlah. biar suka hati aku lah!
sebab itu arahan Tuhan

kenapa KAU bising mempertikaikan?
KAU Tuhan?

May Allah bless *

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

the 91st page (who, Weirdo?)

"When we find someone whose weirdness is compatible with ours, we join up with them and fall into mutually satisfying weirdness - and call it love -
true love."

Robert Fulghum

May Allah bless *

Sunday, January 1, 2012

the 90th page

Today, I want us to cry.
To repent;
again and again and again.
Till our last breath.
Ya Allah. Allah

*p/s: for a better quality, watch in You Tube :)

May Allah bless *