Saturday, February 23, 2013

Exit 16 ( Sleep. To wake up and have a new heart!)

I break hearts
The most favourite persons' hearts
I never break mine
Because I never have one.
and I figure out, they are pretty fragile.
If I say sorry, then 'sorry' seems to be not the hardest word, right?
What do I do now?

Okay, I am sorry.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Exit 15 ( we tried to teach others, but we forgot to teach ourselves )

Kau lupa.
Kau lupa apa pernah kau kata padaku.
Kau pernah berkata bahawa,
 "sekiranya kita fikir kita hebat, maka sebenarnya ada insan yang lebih hebat daripada kita."
Namun kau lupa nasihatmu padaku.
Dan kau juga lupa,
aku bukan barang belanjamu.
Aku terlalu kasihankanmu.

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Exit 14 ( we are not alone but we feel lonely, aren't we? )

When I know that, everybody
Everybody has had a heart....
I just wanted to know about them,
What about them
behind all those expressionless mask,

Especially yours!

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Exit 14 ( same goes to you)

I need to be asleep,
before another drop of tear roll down on my cheek.

And I need to be wide awake,
before another you come down haunting in my dreams.

Another sleepless night.

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Exit 13 ( the clock tick tocking )

After you encountered so much pain and suffering of hatred, anger, ignorance, jealousy of people of you, it's suffocating,
do you really know what is free?
It's to freely love anyone,
without disliking anyone.

Yet, it has to be really free..

Friday, February 1, 2013

Exit 13 ( the way I hold on tight )

Masa adalah selamanya.
Mana mungkin ia ada ujungnya.
Dan memori aku adalah seperti masa,
terhadap kamu.

Kamu mungkin udah pertikai,
bahwa aku bisa membiarkanmu berlalu.
Ibaratnya lebah yang hinggap untuk debunga, sementara cuma.
Namun itu hanyalah andaianmu....tentang masa aku.